An Aussie Take on Throttle-Body Fuel Injection
Rotec has a new throttle-body injection system that's worth looking at.
Dynons D1
Dynon’s “Pocket Panel” self-contained mini-EFIS has plenty going for it—excellent performance, portability and a reasonable price. By Paul Bertorelli.
Ask the DAR
What paperwork is necessary when a new owner makes an engine change? If floats are replaced with conventional gear, what does the change in gross weight mean for a plane's LSA status?
Cooling Inlets
The cooling air inlet serves two functions: First, and most important, the inlet must ingest enough air to properly cool the engine and accessories...
Free Flight
In a short, late-afternoon flight, Paul Dye takes on a particular Houston cloud formation and exalts in the glory of flying an airplane perfectly suited to his whims.
Alternative Energies
Companies around the world are making strides in the development of electric-powered light aircraft. Dean Sigler reports on three French organizations that have been setting records and making history.