Grease Options

As supply-chain problems continue to make it hard to find the products you seek, it is worth noting that not all manufacturers have the...

Caught in the Act

We’ve been working on the development story of the Van’s RV-15 for many months. Paul Dye and I had what I would call exceptional...


Builders share their successes.

Aspen Avionics AT300

Aspen Avionics AT300 is designed to be a drop-in replacement for a vertical speed indicator, but you'll get a lot more usable information in the cockpit when you couple it to your GPS; by Rick Lindstrom.


I wrote this in April to meet a May deadline for this September issue of KITPLANES®, which came out before AirVenture in July. I...

Build, Maintain, Inspect

One of the big reasons that people build their own airplane is the flexibility afforded by the FAA when it comes to maintenance and...

Light Sport Accidents: A Broader Look

Experimental Light Sport Aircraft have a better safety record than traditional homebuilts.

Wind Tunnel

Pitch is not the only axis involved in making an airplane fly well. Yaw and roll are also important, and this month Barnaby Wainfan turns his attention to lateral/directional stability and its effect on flying qualities.

Static Prop Balancer

I fly my Pulsar with a 60-inch GSC ground-adjustable wood prop because it smoothes out engine pulses from the Rotax 912, and it allows...

Kitfox Speedster 916

The feistiest Kitfox gets feistier yet.

In Case You Missed It

Take a Ride In a Thorp T-18

Join Phil Mandel for a walkaround description and a brief flight in his Thorp...

Ask the DAR

Previously certified aircraft, ultralights, motorgliders and N-numbers.

Kitfox Super Sport

With 4000 kits sold, a million hours flown and a loyal customer base, you just knew that the Kitfox would somehow find itself back in production. It's been out after the previous company, SkyStar Aircraft, went bankrupt in 2005, leaving builders in the lurch.

Buzzwords: Human Factors—The Basics

Small design considerations can have a big impact on comfort, convenience and safety.