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2025 Homebuilt Aircraft Buyer’s Guide

...Building an airplane can be, but doesn’t have to be, a solitary sport. The happiest seem to be those who can find the time to work quietly and enjoy the...

Why We Built What We Did

...together is something entirely different. Guiding you through each task are detailed step-by-step instructions. Estimated build time is 700 to 900 hours, not including paint. Speaking of building, the RV-12iS...

EAA Homebuilders Week Kicks off January 27

Returning yet again in 2025, EAA’s annual Homebuilders Week kicks off January 27 with 30 action-packed online classes highlighting the in’s and out’s of building your own airplane. Six live...

Strings Attached

There are times in building an airplane when you want to have some strings attached – particularly when it comes to lining things up. A good example was the recent...

Ten Things That Will Have an Impact on Insurance

...is another key factor. If you are building something you can’t get training in, insurance will be difficult. You may have to fly the first 50 hours before anyone even...

Polished or Unpolished?

...maintaining a pristine aluminum surface while building. Which brings me to the subject of this photo. The polishing I am talking about is not the airplane, it is the rivet...

Building the 750SD XTREME: Part 13

...of building a mold for a carbon fiber intake shroud, which will bring fresh air from a scoop on top of the engine cowl, down through the engine mount and...

Zenith Announces Upgrades to CH 650 Kit

Zenith Aircraft recently announced their CH 650 kit will now come with matched-hole technology. “Our goal has always been to make aircraft building as straightforward and rewarding as possible,” said...

Second Chance Six

...When building a Van’s RV-6, correctly drilling the rear hole for this bolt is a crucial step as it establishes the angle of incidence for the wing. Thankfully, we didn’t...

Homespun Router Table

...of the airplane market. The first airplane I bought plans for was the Evans VP-1. The first airplane I started building was a Pietenpol Air Camper. Aeronca Champs were an...

In Case You Missed It


 Need to Vent?In Paul Dye’s article he states: “There is no real way...

Editor’s Log

Editor Mary Bernard makes the case for presenting the annual Aircraft Buyer's Guides data in a new, more useful form.

Effect of Propeller RPM on Speed, Efficiency, Noise, and Vibration

Getting better performance from a constant-speed prop.

Free Flight

Thousands of hours of flight time in a pilots logbook are no guarantee of superior skill-or superior judgment.