Home 2019


In Case You Missed It

To Launch a Light Sport

This month builder Bob Fritz searches for a better alternative to last-century circuit technology for his panel and finds it in a Polyfuse.

Build, Test, Refine and Fix—Part 1: Ground Tests

At some point, a configuration of the airplane is frozen, a prototype is built and testing begins.

Radio Too Hot? Cool It!

Jim Weir borrows a trick from the world of computers to provide a cool breeze to your radio stack.

Shop Safety

This article covers what you should have learned in your high school shop class, but didn't, and more. It discusses safety glasses, proper treatment of chisels, gloves, jewelry, shop coats, hand tools, urban myths, safe shoes, hardware, biomechanics, capturing wayward chips, machinery placement in the shop, air-powered tools, cleanup, pneumatic cutting tools, and other common sense advice; by Bob Fritz.