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Eating the Elephant

One person can’t imagine eating a whole elephant. It’s simply impossible. But the answer to the idiomatic question remains: one bite at a time!

Shop Talk

Master Caution

My original intent for this month’s treatise was to produce the first installment of my upcoming Kitfox build series, which I have been greatly looking forward to. However, as often happens in life, life itself got in the way.


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In Case You Missed It

Flights of Fancy

It’s more cliché than observation to note there’s a whole lot of dreaming going on in aviation.

Debunking Deburring

If you are building an aircraft kit that requires drilling holes into metal parts, there is no doubt that the subject of deburring will get mentioned.

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.

Portable Coms Compared

Which portable VHF transceiver comes out on top after a side-by-side test in the field?

Avidyne IFD540

Avidyne's new IFD540 GPS navigator will offer an easy replacement for Garmin GNS users.