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Top Gun Slinger


Adequate Supply


A Crowd of One


In Case You Missed It

Risky Business

Amateurs and Experimental aircraft. By Sid Mayeux.

What’s New

New landing lights from AeroLEDs, a lightweight headset from MGL, the electric Waiex makes its first flight, and FatBoy offers throttle quadrants for Vans RV kit aircraft. Edited by Mary Bernard.

Around the Patch

Have you checked your fuel system for leaks lately? Turns out there's a good reason to periodically conduct a thorough investigation. Incipient leaks may go undetected. Worse, when the O-ring on the fuel-selector valve goes bad, it could allow air into the system, which means your engine could misbehave at a most inconvenient time. Often, this malady is difficult to diagnose and the assumption is that the fuel selector is OK when it is not.

Releasable Piano Hinge Pin Retainer

There are lots of creative ways that builders have devised for retaining piano hinge...