Home 2019


PGK-1 Hirondelle


In Case You Missed It

Riveting Aileron Skins

I was assembling the ailerons for my RV-7A and reached a point where I...

The Home Machinist, Part 6

Paying attention to the working environment and maintaining machining tools in tip-top shape can yield a more polished finished product, while also making the fabrication process easier.

Gear of the Year 2007

There's always something new to be had in the field of aviation-related equipment, and this year we stay on the beaten trail and wander off of it a bit with a new EFD/MFD, a build-it-yourself headset, a readily stowable inflatable tent, a headset boom light, a digital attitude indicator, an electronic flight bag and spiffy, low-draw LED landing lights; a Staff Report.

Low-Cost Spark Plug Ohm Tester

This handy tester is rugged enough to be stored in your tool tray with...