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Tag: val avionics

In Case You Missed It

Aero ‘lectrics

Columnist Jim Weir reminds us that its good to laugh at ourselves once in a while, and, to that end, he acts as an unofficial translator between pilots and the FAA, construing what they mean by what they say, and what they mean by what they don't say. He also details the latest contributions to Murphys Law from the world of aviation.

Build Your Own Stall-Warning Device

Certified aircraft have had them for decades-but not Experimentals. By Michel Suire.

Aero ‘lectrics

Its important to understand the fundamentals before you can be conversant in electrical theory, so lets revisit Georg Simon Ohm and James Watt to see how their laws factor in to aircraft applications.

Archive: November 1997

Ron Wanttaja sampled the still-new Van’s RV-8 for our cover story in the November...