Home Authors Posts by Jim Weir

Jim Weir

Jim Weir
Jim Weir is the chief avioniker at RST Engineering. He answers avionics questions in the Internet newsgroup www.pilotsofamerica.com–Maintenance. His technical advisor, Cyndi Weir, got her Masters degree in English and Journalism and keeps Jim on the straight and narrow. Check out their web site at www.rst-engr.com/kitplanes for previous articles and supplements.

Diodes, the Universal Component?

Diodes started off life fairly simply. Take an AC signal and convert it to a DC signal. Simple, huh?

Diodes, Backward and Forward

Let’s talk about what makes a diode—what the physical makeup of a diode really looks like on the inside.

Franklin vs. Edison et al. and Marconi

A word we use rather flippantly when perusing electronic circuitry—ground.

Ernie’s Room and Board

Way back in March ’23 (deep in snow here), I gave you the problem of Ernie, who needed a flashing light to see when...

Complex Impedance

A loyal reader writes, “I have a homebuilt Bugsmasher with a couple of com radios. They are a FlashBoom 32X and a LoudenWhapper 22A....


It was 1985 when this 42-year-old kid wrote an article for an upstart magazine aimed at the homebuilt aircraft market. Appearing in the October...

The 13 Command(ment)s

For most people, 10 are enough. Laying out a PC board, you’ve got a few more. Remember, now, I’m trying to show you the basics...

More PCB Fun

OK, this one is the witch of the bunch. You’ve had two months to download and read all the instructions for Circuitmaker/Traxmaker, and I’m...

A Pea Sea Bored?

Text and phonetically, yes. But if you will sit down, fasten your seat belt tight and just hold on, I will show you how...

Terms of the Trade

I’ve been a teacher most of my life, but my first paid gig in 1967 was teaching avionics (aviation electronics) at a community college...

In Case You Missed It

50 Years of Success

What it takes not just to survive but thrive as a kit manufacturer.

Adding Direct Air/Fuel Ratio Monitoring

An easy way to optimize engine operation.

Second Chance Six

Starting the restoration. Where do you even begin?

The Home Machinist

Phillips? Flat head? Double blade? Bob Fritz clears up questions you didn't even know you had about screwdrivers. When you're building a plane, the right tool for the right job (and right space) really does matter.