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Mark Albery

Mark Albery
Mark Albery studied aeronautical engineering at Kingston University on the former site of both the Sopwith and Hawker aircraft factories. While working for Rolls-Royce on the acoustic design of aircraft engines, he earned his private pilot's license at the RR Merlin Flying Club. He now holds commercial and flight instructor ratings and has owned a Taylor Monoplane, Cessna 120, Jodels 1050 and DR200, DH Chipmunk, two RV-4s and the RV-8.

Transatlantic Homebuilt

Los Angeles to England in an RV-8.

In Case You Missed It

Alternative Energies

Chip Yates is a man with a plan—to follow Lindbergh’s historic transatlantic flight in an all-electric plane. The flight’s planned for 2014; in the meantime, there are battery challenges to solve. By Dean Sigler.
Starduster biplane over grass strip

Old School Solution

It doesn’t seem that long ago, but maybe it was, that the essence of a sport airplane was a biplane.

Alternative Energies

While researchers seek electric flight’s Holy Grail—a 10X battery—aviation’s innovators are busy determining ways to use less fuel with the technology available now. By Dean Sigler.

Engine Inspection and Repair After a Prop Strike

Engine inspection and repair after a prop strike.