

Thirty K is OK

Finally, you guys are getting it. Fred Galloways $30,000 (or so) RV-9A [June issue] was a refreshing story. Im tired of hearing guys agonizing over which $30,000 new engine they want to buy, or how to fit their $50,000 EFIS panel into a two-seat sport airplane. I mean, really tired. Fred used his time and saved his money. I like that. Other builders ought to use him as an example of how to [build] right.

—Bert Tomlinson

Wordsmith, Not Mr. Atlas

I have read the Wordsmiths (aka Ken Scott) article in the June issue and I liked it very much. But, I do want to point out a misspelling…the horrors of it all! To my knowledge there is no Glenallen (the spelling that the Wordsmith uses in the article) in the fine state of Alaska. There is, however, a Glennallen in Alaska. We will let this error slide this time, but watch it!

—Dale Ellis

Any Relation?

Nice story by Mary Bernard in the June issue about Mike Maxwells Lancair.  And now I know why I couldn’t get N123MX for my SeaRey (May-August 2004) and had to settle for N123XM, instead. The two airplanes couldn’t be much more different, despite having almost identical registration numbers and builders names. Hats off to KITPLANES for the breadth of coverage.

—Don Maxwell

Southern Praise

I wanted to pass on my appreciation for the quality of articles presented in your magazine. I took a subscription last year mainly for the entertaining write-ups on different kit planes, but renewed that subscription because of all the stuff I am learning that is helping me with my project. My kit plane is a Sonex, about 800 hours done and a few hundred to go. The articles on aero electrics, colour schemes and avionics have been extremely timely and greatly assisted me in my build. Thanks, guys.

—Jim Lewis, Canberra, Australia

Dan’s the Man

After reading the letters in the latest issue I wanted to add my two cents worth. I personally like Mr. Checkoways articles. Ive read his entire web site several times and look forward to his contributions to the magazine.
Roger Laubhan

Dont mess with Dans column. This guy is a breath of fresh air who cuts through hype and foggy thinking.

—Leo Dringoli

Of Primary Importance

The current maximum takeoff weight of 2700 pounds and the government burden of obtaining a production certificate almost equal to the burden of obtaining a full type-certificate make this [the Primary category] a tossaway. Even the RV-10 cannot be fully loaded with passengers, luggage and fuel, and make this weight limit, though its weight limit has strategically been placed at 2700 pounds. Virtually all the composite four-place airplanes have an empty weight of around 2000 pounds. A 700-pound payload is woefully inadequate for any type of four-place cross- country airplane.
Loyd Woodward

Did Barnaby Put You Up to This?

I am not a regular subscriber, though I do purchase copies of your magazine in the stores. I fly internationally and am gone a lot. I enjoy Mr. Wainfan’s column, Wind Tunnel, and am interested in following it more in earnest. I cant carry numbers of magazines with me, but I can fit a book in my flight case.  Does Mr. Wainfan have a book available that covers his lectures or articles on test flying? Thank you.
Mike Maloney

I am a longtime reader of KITPLANES. Sometimes I buy it at Borders or Barnes & Noble; sometimes I read it and put it back on the counter. Ill make you a deal. Ill subscribe for as many years as you’ll allow if you agree to collate the wonderful columns that Barnaby Wainfan has written for you into a book. Id also like to buy the resultant book. What do you say?

—Dave Robertson

I suspect Barnaby has been rallying the troops! Seriously, we are working on a compilation of the Wind Tunnel material, and hope to have more details available later in the year.-Ed.

Nice Evinrude You Got There

I am very interested in building an airplane in the near future. But when it comes down to the motor Im having a lot of trouble getting used to the idea of paying so much for what I see as nothing more than antiquated technology. I mean when was the last time you saw a magneto on a new car? My curiosity then turns to outboard boat motors. Not only are they light, clean running, efficient and relatively cheap (especially the DFI two-strokes), but they are designed to operate at a constant power setting for extended periods of time. I would like to know if anyone has attempted to use this type of engine setup before and if so how it worked, or if there’s some specific reason that you don’t see this type of thing more often.

—Chet Moen

Well, the Johnson company once made two-stroke aero engines, so there’s some precedent. Not sure the outboard power heads are all that light, and then youd have to come up with a radiator system to cool them. Wed love to hear from anyone who has tried a conversion.



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