Archive: January 2007

Our coverage for the 2006 Reno Air Races appeared in the January issue the next year, depicting what may well have been the apogee...

Archive: August 2014

As our industry continues to mature and anniversaries come hurtling at us, it’s worth recalling that in our August 2014 issue the venerable Van’s...

Archive: August 1991

Nat Puffer’s Cozy Mk IV was the cover subject of our August 1991 issue. Don Downie caught up with Nat and wife Shirley Puffer...

Archive: October 2011

Jeff Ackland’s Radial Rocket was our cover subject 12 years ago this month. Ed Kolano’s flight review began by exploring the most obvious change...

Archive: March 1995

Rich Trickel’s KIS Cruiser was the subject of our March 1995 cover. KITPLANES® Managing Editor Keith Beveridge not only got to sample the TR-4...

Archive: August 2012

Our cover story for the August 2012 issue was a special one closely and personally followed by then Senior Editor Paul Dye. None other...

Archive: October 1996

Our cover subject for the October 1996 issue was Bobby Cox’s highly modified Pitts S-1 plansbuilt that had won Grand Champion Plansbuilt at Sun...

Archive: June 2013

Sonex’s blazing yellow Onex was on our cover this month—proclaiming “half the seats, twice the fun”—supported by a story written by longtime aviation journalist...

Archive: April 1986

Our April 1986 cover featured the Air Shark as part of a collection of 14 “build-yourself flying boats.” A two-page buyer’s guide helped illustrate...

Archive: September 2013

Our cover featured a SeaRey amphibian chilling out on the water. Inside, Dave Forster took us along as he flew with another SeaRey from...

In Case You Missed It

Can We Talk? (Boy, Can We!)

One of my favorite AirVenture activities is eavesdropping as people tell their buddy about...

It Takes a Village to Build a Plane in One Week

EAA AirVentures One Week Wonder.

To Launch a Light Sport

Bob Fritz finds that in the midst of making progress, the build process has its own value. Here, he walks through the process of designing and installing an on-board fire extinguisher system for his Jabiru J250, and offers a few tips for locating holes and installing the wings.


Builders share their successes.