Home 2019


ARV Super2


In Case You Missed It

Aero ‘lectrics

This month, author Jim Weir lays the groundwork for a solar battery charger, complete with preliminary circuit board considerations drawn from a rats nest and details about how to order a pre-fabricated board.

Archive: January 1988

Jim Bede’s BD-5 had, by the late 1980s, still managed to hang onto its...

Engine Beat

Exhaust systems do more than just get air into and out of aircraft engines. Exhaust system design, in terms of exhaust pipe length, diameter and tuning, affect the efficiency and performance of the engine, for better or worse.
Starduster too on the ramp

Rear Cockpit: The Other Guy’s Plane

In a parallel life of mine—auto journalism—shop talk occasionally got around to just how...