Home Authors Posts by Jon Doolottle

Jon Doolottle

Jon Doolottle
Jon holds a BA from Trinity College and an MBA in Finance from New York University and the University of Connecticut. Jon also holds the Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) and Certified Aviation Insurance Professional (CAIP) designations. Jon started refueling airplanes while he was in college to pay for his flying lessons. He worked as a flight instructor and charter pilot, and later as a dispatcher for a regional airline. Jon spent 5 years in New York City as an underwriter for USAIG, where he handled commercial and corporate aviation accounts. He started the company in 1986 with one other person in a spare bedroom. Jon is a current CFII and an FAA Aviation Safety Counselor. He presents insurance and safety-related seminars on behalf of the FAA and other groups. He is also a contributor to several aviation publications including “The Aviation Consumer” and “Twin & Turbine” magazine.

Insurance for Homebuilts: Planning 101

Choosing the right model for your skill level and one that’s well-supported is the first step in dealing with a hardened insurance climate.

In Case You Missed It


Building an airplane is something that requires not only specific shop skills and experience,...

Engine Theory: Forced induction

Putting super into the intake equation.

Keep Them Tight

Loose jam nuts.

Light Stuff

Roy Beisswenger discusses the impact of the FAAs LODA order allowing Light Sport instructors to resume training with their Experimental aircraft.