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Kerry Fores

Kerry Fores
Kerry Fores was born and raised in Oshkosh, WI and was interested in homebuilding by age 12. Between 1998 and 2003 he scratchbuilt and polished a Sonex, which he named Metal Illness. Kerry logged nearly 500 hours in Metal Illness and was awarded Plans Built Champion at AirVenture 2006. Kerry is retired from a 21-year career at Sonex Aircraft, most of it dedicated to supporting builders. Kerry is on the web at thelifeofdanger.com.


There’s no reason to participate in the hobby—for that matter, any hobby—unless it’s underpinned by fun.

Reigniting the Spark

Engines, you see, need frequent activity. When they sit, they corrode.

Little Buddy, You Can Fly

As a design matures, more and more “upgrades” and “improvements” are thrust upon successive builders by those who have gone before. What they are thrusting, really, are opinions.

Beyond the Stats

Shoppin’ for a project, are ya? Here are some truths: Factory-stated build times are bare minimums. Double them and then toss that number out...

Inserting Bolts, Installing Nuts

I never set out to write a hardware trilogy, yet here we are. A little ditty on washer usage begat a column on bolt-length...

Length Matters

Last month I wrote about AN washer usage. This month I’ll take on AN bolts—specifically, their grip length. Riveting stuff, huh? No? Somewhat captivating?...

AN960 Washers, the Penny and My Thoughts

Not a week (sometimes a day) went by during my Sonex career that I wasn’t asked about washer usage on threaded fasteners. Often, a...

Get Bent

I harbor two writers within. A technical writer who favors brevity and a creative writer, an essayist, who wants to engage your senses and...

Self-Debriefing Your AirVenture Experience

Every flying lesson ends with a debriefing. What worked, what didn't, where can improvements be made? If you recently attended The Big Show in...

AirVenture’s Last Day

AirVenture is an organism that obeys no calendar. The Friday prior to this year's opening the airport was as full as I've ever seen...

In Case You Missed It


Bob FritzIn recognition of Bobs major contributions to this magazine, he has been moved...

Going Off-Plans

Going off-plans adds significant time to your project. Even small changes will add to your build time.

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.

The Dawn Patrol

Dick Starks offers some sage advice about how to get back to working on a project that has been sidelined for too long.