No question that the best way to learn basic metal techniques is to observe a master. And, every year budding builders come by the Van’s booth to ask for advice about drilling, dimpling, and deburring. So, this year, the Van’s prototype shop set up a mini-shop with a compressor, basic air tools, scrap aluminum, and wooden blocks next to their sales tent. They seem to be busy giving mostly on-demand demonstrations and answering questions.
In Case You Missed It
Don’t Get Bent Out of Shape With These Pliers
As a builder of a metal aircraft kit, you no doubt have heard the...
Lightning Strikes Again
Its been four years since we reviewed the Arion Lightning, and things have changed-for the better. Marc Cook had a chance to fly the old and the new, and he details the differences.
All About Avionics
Stein Bruch - 0
Building your own panel need not be daunting. Stein Bruch offers some wisdom about how to keep the project on task and avoid the mistakes others have made.
Murphy and the Flight That Almost Wasn’t
Most of us fly airplanes for fun. I would even venture to say that...