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In Case You Missed It

Aero ‘lectrics

The other Oshkosh (part II).

A Great Compromise

Building an airplane usually requires a long-term commitment, not entirely dissimilar to the one that is made when saying I do. Yet many builders lose sight of this when building, sometimes even forgetting that they have a spouse. The commitment to the project must be matched by the commitment to maintaining a spousal relationship, and a little forethought and planning can help both builder and spouse enjoy not only the process, but the end result.

Around the Patch

Marc Cook discusses the loss of Geared Drives Bud Warren and his daughter, as well as his decision to step down from his position as Editor-in-Chief.

Aero ‘lectrics

Using LEDs for lighting an aircraft has much to commend it. Low draw, reasonable cost, long life, good visibility. This month, Jim Weir takes us through the beginning steps of building these lighting systems yourself, using off-the-shelf parts and a little ingenuity.