Home Authors Posts by Bob Collins

Bob Collins

Bob Collins
Bob worked for Minnesota Public Radio for 27 years, until his retirement in 2019. He now lives to give baseballs to kids as an usher at Target Field, works on an airplane he is building, and a camper he bought for Oshkosh.

“Gonna Finish This Sucker”

Sam Kurtz set out to build an RV-7A. It ended up restoring him.

Unusual Attitude

Guest columnist Bob Collins takes on those who would rush the airplane building process in the name of getting real about the project. To him, the journey is as important as the destination, and he believes he has his priorities straight when he occasionally puts family and friends ahead of spending an extra hour or two in the garage.

In Case You Missed It

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.

Flight Testing: Static System Error – Theory and Practice, Part 2

In Part 2 of the series, Kevin Horton shows you how to gather and interpret flight-test data to identify static system error (spreadsheets included).

What’s in Your Hangar

The FAAs Order 5190.6B has stirred ire in the hearts of many pilots, developers, aviation-related business owners and airpark residents who see further enforcement of land-use restrictions as unnecessary meddling by the feds.

Debunking Deburring

If you are building an aircraft kit that requires drilling holes into metal parts, there is no doubt that the subject of deburring will get mentioned.