While the pandemic of 2020 put a crimp in many activities, it hasn’t been bad for all of the experimental aircraft industry—we’ve heard from quite a few manufacturers that they are busier than they’ve ever been. We checked on Lockwood Aero, the maker of AirCam and Drifter kits and Phil Lockwood said they are doing great and even hiring:
“Business at Lockwood Aviation is booming and we are looking for new A&P Mechanics to join our team of expert Rotax Technicians. These jobs include both airframe and engine work. We offer specialized training on Rotax Aircraft engines as part of our orientation program. This is a great time to move to sunny Sebring, Florida where our operation is located on the ramp at KSEF. These are full time positions with benefits. Look into this great opportunity to become a part of the Lockwood team in 2021. Please send resume to [email protected] or call 863-655-5100 to inquire about the position.”