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In Case You Missed It

Electronic Ignitions

As electronic ignitions become more popular, some homebuilders will want to consider making the switch (especially given the potential savings in fuel costs). Tom Wilson provides an overview of the marketplace and offers a “cost-benefit” analysis.

Learning Complex Systems Means Knowing How They Work

The importance of understanding your aircrafts avionics systems in terms of form, function and troubleshooting.

Two Years On

Habitual readers of this column know I’m not a fan of ADS-B, if only...

Aero ‘lectrics

Columnist Jim Weir reminds us that its good to laugh at ourselves once in a while, and, to that end, he acts as an unofficial translator between pilots and the FAA, construing what they mean by what they say, and what they mean by what they don't say. He also details the latest contributions to Murphys Law from the world of aviation.