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In Case You Missed it

Safety Is No Accident: Van’s RV series

It’s been a couple of years since we looked at how homebuilts generally fared in the accident statistics vis-à-vis certified aircraft. This time around we’ll look at the safety records of specific homebuilt designs, starting with the Van’s RV.

Seeing in the Dark

Grand Rapids Technologies FLIR provides an extra margin of safety for night ops.

Flight Review: Mission Ready

Bush plane? Heck, yeah! Bill Repucci flies Just Aircraft's strong, tough and fun Highlander.

The $30,000 RV-9A

Two builders helped each other build RV-9As, each employing significantly different outlays of cash. The results are impressive in both cases, but for different reasons. They help us ponder the question as we build: “What is something worth?” By Marc Cook.