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Tag: Safari Helicopter

In Case You Missed It

North to Alaska

When faced with the choice of going commercial or flying his RV-6 to Alaska, author Ken Scott opted to be pilot in command. Having never flown his plane on trips long enough to require an en-route fuel stop, he figured it was time. What ensued was the trip of a lifetime, with scenery only Alaska can offer, glimpses of aviation history, and flying challenges tempered by friendly encounters with the natives.

Cool Runnings

Norm Ellis does the math and shows you how to select the right oil cooler for your engine-cooling package. Given the critical role oil temperature plays in engine health, its a good idea to go beyond selecting the smallest, lightest and cheapest cooler you can find.

What’s New

Beyerdnamic offers a new headset, two new Cub kits are approved by FAA, and the portable AvMap is updated.

Stearns Stuff

Clean, fast, and composite, the KIS TR-1 makes a fine cruiser. There just aren't many of them.