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Vic Syracuse

Vic Syracuse
Vic is a fixed-wing and helicopter commercial pilot, CFII with ASMEL/ASES ratings, an A&P/IA, DAR, and EAA technical advisor and flight counselor. Passionately involved in aviation for over 40 years, he has built 11 aircraft and logged over 10,000 hours in 72 different kinds of aircraft. Vic volunteers as a Young Eagle pilot, has his own sport aviation business called Base Leg Aviation, and has written two books on aircraft prebuy and condition inspections.

RTV in Fuel System

There is potential for serious problems.

A Baker’s Dozen

Vic shares his decision process for both choosing another RV-10 as well as choosing some of the “upgrades.”

Common In-Flight Failures, Part 2

This column is a continuation of common in-flight failures that I began discussing in the September 2024 issue. With today’s glass cockpits and all...

Unlabeled Switch and Circuit Breakers

For safety’s sake, all switches and circuit breakers should be labeled as to function and direction.

Why Is My Airplane Slow?

Checkpoint diagnosis.

Common In-Flight Failures, Part 1

Checkpoints: Diagnosis.

Risk Tolerance

There’s only so much we can do to eliminate risk, so it becomes more about risk tolerance, which is usually different for everyone.

Leaking Brakes

Leaking brake calipers will not only deplete the brake fluid, but the fluid will be absorbed by the brake pads and adversely affect braking...

ELT Problems

Expired batteries also have the potential to leak and cause severe corrosion.

High CHTs

An RV-10 owner recently brought his airplane to the shop due to high CHTs. He also mentioned that the problems started after the panel...

In Case You Missed It

More Toys

Back in July 2014, I wrote a column justifying all of the toys we...

Fly Cutting a Cove With a Boring Head

Fly cutting is a great way to put a “finish” on a flat and...

Rear Cockpit

Youthful ignorant that I was, it took a few years for me to realize...

Wind Tunnel

Today, monoplanes dominate, but biplanes came first. They had their advantages—and for some of today’s missions, they still do.