Lycoming Offers Engine Deal
Until August 31, 2009, Lycoming is offering zero-time factory-rebuilt Lycoming engines to select pilots and owners for the price of a Lycoming factory overhaul.
Lycomings factory-rebuilt engines are built to the same limits as a new engine. They come with a zero-time logbook, just like their all-new counterparts, and they also have the same two-year warranty as an all-new engine.
We recognize that many owners may be nervous about the economy and so they are putting off new purchases in favor of overhauls, says Todd Stoner, Lycoming vice president of marketing and sales. We are going to repay a select group of them for their commitment to genuine Lycoming parts and service by upgrading their overhaul service to a much more valuable commodity.
The amount of savings depends on the engine type, but on most engines the savings will surpass $3000 off of the manufacturers suggested retail price. This offer requires the return of a Lycoming factory new or rebuilt engine that has never been overhauled, otherwise known as a first-run core.
To find out if you qualify or to place an order, call 800/258-3279 or visit www.lycoming.com. Click on How to Buy and then choose Distributors from the drop-down menu. A table comparing new, factory-rebuilt and overhaul prices is also available (select Engines from the drop-down menu, and then choose Service Engines).

DynaVibe prop Balancer
RPX Technologies, Inc. has announced its DynaVibe propeller and rotor balancer for simple, straightforward vibration reduction. The DynaVibe can be used on fixed-wing aircraft, rotorcraft and on ships with piston or turbine powerplants. Optional National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable calibration is also available, which makes the DynaVibe appropriate for use on certified aircraft.
DynaVibe displays the magnitude and phase of propeller vibration, allowing precise weight adjustments for balanced and smooth engine operation. It reports rpm, vibration magnitude and angle, the company says.
The price is $1495. For more information, call 405/714-2516 or visit www.rpxtech.com.
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