It’s been a tumultuous year since this Buyer’s Guide last appeared. But the shakeouts that have been occurring throughout the business world don’t seem to have had that much of an impact on our net listings; we’re including 316 designs this year, down only four from the 320 that appeared last year. We hope to see that number grow going forward.
Our process of updating this data is hands-on and relies on self-reporting. That is, each year every company is contacted by phone or email, and is asked to update its listing. If we make a diligent effort to contact the company (calling and/or emailing several times) and receive no response, then the company is excluded. We figure if they won’t talk to us, what chance does a would-be buyer have of reasonable customer service?

Here, then, some highlights: The company selling the Radial Rocket has changed from New Century Aerosport to Altitude Group LLC. The Vision ES kit from Pro-Composites, Inc. is on hold, but plans for it are available. Quad City Challenger added the Challenger II LSS XL-65 and the Challenger Light Sport XS-50 to its lineup. Skykits Corporation is no more, though someone may pick up distribution for the four Savannah kits the company previously offered. World Aircraft Company is the new name, and Spirit is the company’s new design. After an absence of some years (we’re not sure why), Supermarine Aircraft, purveyor of the Mk 26B Spitfire kit is back in. We were awaiting the first flight of the Super Legend from Texas Sport Aircraft, but it had not flown as of our deadline, so it will likely be a new entry next year. RANS Aircraft reintroduced two kits, the S-9 Chaos and the S-10 Sakota. Rocky Mountain Wings has a new model in its Ridge Runner Model IV. Viper Aircraft is phasing out its Viper Jet, so it asked to be removed. The company formerly known as C.L.A.S.S. is now known as Bushcaddy International, Inc., moving it up a notch in alphabetization. Creative Flight is now known as Auriga Design, Inc. Dakota Cub has two new models, the Super 18-160 and the Super 18 LT. Blue Yonder Aviation has introduced its E-Z Fun Flyer, and BD-Micro Technologies introduced the FLS Microjet. Breezer Aircraft USA introduced its Breezer II, and Fisher Flying introduced the Youngster V. Among the non-responders were Quikkit Div. of Rainbow Flyers (Glass Goose), Composite Aircraft Technologies (formerly Express Aircraft), Falcomposite (Furio LN 27 RG), Johnston Aviation (Tiger Cub UL), and Morrison Aircraft (Morrison 6). Happy browsing.