
Builders share their successes.


Mike and Gail Smiths RV-7A

Here is what the finished product looks like after three and a half years of riveting, glass work, sanding, flight testing and, finally, painting. Come take a ride. True airspeed at cruise is 170 knots, it does great positive G aerobatics, and its a pleasure to fly. [Welcome, Mike, to the MOFW-man of few words-club.-Ed.]

Joe Malsacks Lancair 320

After many years of hard work and a few years in storage, our Lancair 320 first took flight in October 2005. With a fixed-pitch propeller, it cruises at 153 knots on 8 gph. It is very responsive and fun to fly. Thanks to the many people who helped, lent tools and gave words of encouragement, And thanks to Syd Cohen for letting me use his heated hangar through the years. I also want to thank my partner Jerry Jenkins for believing in me to finish the project. Mostly I want to thank my wife and family for putting up with me working nights and weekends on the project. My wife, Jody, came up with the design of a black panther and claw marks on the cowl and wingtips. She also named the plane Joes Mistress due to the many hours spent away from her.

Merrill, Wisconsin

Rod Panzars Sonex

I made my maiden flight in Sonex #817 on April 21, 2008, and the flight exceeded all my expectations. The plane is a center stick, powered by an AeroVee (Volkswagen). This was my first building project, and 95% of the construction was done in my garage. It took me about 650 hours of pure fun to build this beautifully engineered plane. The plans were exquisite, and the factory support was exceptional. I encourage anyone contemplating building a kit plane to take the plunge. At first the project appeared to be overwhelming, but once I got into it, it was like an Erector Set (on steroids). Just do one piece at a time, and a plane magically appears. Im sure Ill spend many hours of enjoyable flight in my Sonex, and I am now considering the Xenos motorglider (also by Sonex).

Vacaville, California


Submissions to Completions should include a typed, double-spaced description (a few paragraphs only-250 words maximum) of the project and the finished aircraft. Also include a good color photograph (prints or 35mm slides are acceptable) of the aircraft that we may keep. Please include a daytime phone number where we can contact you if necessary. Also indicate whether we may publish your address in case other builders would like to contact you. Send submissions to: Completions, c/o KITPLANES Magazine, 203 Argonne Ave., Suite B105, Long Beach, CA 90803. Digital submissions are also acceptable. Send text and photos to with a subject line of Completions. Photos must be high-resolution-300 dpi at a 3 x 5 print size is the minimum requirement.


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