The EAA’s Give Flight goal for this week is to build five wing sets (one Sonex Waiex, one Van’s RV-12, one Zenith CH 650, and two Zenith CH 750) during AirVenture week. Located in the same tent as last year’s successful One Week Wonder project, five chapters from the U.S. and Canada have provided volunteers to build the wings with the help of the general public (under close supervision) and other experienced volunteer builders.

The completed wings will be shipped to the five EAA chapters, who have pledged to complete the projects, fly the planes to the 2017 AirVenture, and then establish five new flying clubs to share The Spirit of Aviation. Sonex, Van’s, and Zenith donated the wing kits and Aircraft Spruce provided other support. The individual chapter will fund-raise to cover the remaining needs.