Home 2019


In Case You Missed It

Design Process: All-Moving Tails

A conventional horizontal tail has a fixed horizontal stabilizer with an elevator hinged to...
The most difficult compromises live in the middle of the performance envelope, while the easiest decisions are found at each end of the spectrum. This VW installation emphasizes economy over performance, so a prop gearbox would be an obvious complication.


Never one to revel in the practical, recently I found myself expounding to a colleague on why the general aviation world moves at 2700 rpm.

Finding the Source

While on a routine technical counselor consultation, Paul Dye discovered hidden treasure: Richard VanGrunsven’s original RV-1. He details a bit about its history and preparations for its planned tour this summer.

Build Your Skills: Composites (Part 8)

Last months installment in the Composites series detailed how to do vacuum-bagging of parts at home. This month author Bob Fritz discusses how to inexpensively build one critical component in that process: the vacuum pump.