Gayle Werle, left, of Lancaster, California eagerly anticipates receiving the Wasabi team patch Elliott Seguin is autographing on his wife Jenn’s back. Werle follows Seguin’s flying exploits via Facebook (what, no Kitplanes?) and says she’ll keep the autographed patch on her desk at Northrup Grumman where she works. It’s a good example of how available everyone is in the Reno pits.
In Case You Missed It
The Home Machinist
What do you do if you want to cut a longer-than-usual taper? Well, first you'll need to create a simple tool from some round stock that will provide target zones for your dial indicator, and then you may need to buy some more tools-what a shame! Home Machinist Bob Fritz takes you through the process. Hint: Choosing the right Morse Taper is critical.
Around the Patch
Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook saw some reasons to be cheerful at AirVenture, especially the upcoming refinement of the 51% rule for homebuilders.
Cover Story: Carpet and Panels
Now that you've fabricated your seat upholstery, its time to tackle the rest of the interior with a look at carpeting and door panels.
To Launch a Light Sport
This month’s chronicle of building a Jabiru J250 Light Sport airplane covers the assembly of the wings and tail, and discusses the value of surface preparation.