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Tag: baffles

Plug That Hole!


Firewall Forward: Baffling


Bowld’s Baffles


In Case You Missed It

Dimpling for Beauty and Speed

Each time you install a fastener on your airplane kit, consider whether the head...

Flapjacks and Fly-Ins

One of the most enjoyable and useful “tools” is membership in a local chapter of the EAA.

Build Your Skills: Composites (Part 7)

Author Bob Fritz explains how to set up a vacuum-bagging operation in your home shop, using readily available equipment and supplies, which will get you great results on small- to medium-size parts. The object is to mechanically squeeze out excess epoxy for a good-ratio part with maximum weight savings and strength.

All About Avionics, Part 9

One of the final steps in getting your avionics suite to work is installation of some sort of antenna to capture various radio frequencies. Failing to choose the right antenna and install it properly can compromise the whole installation. Rather than focusing on the intricacies of antenna design, the author discusses the merits of internal versus external for particular equipment plus where to place them; by Stein Bruch