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In Case You Missed It

Risk Tolerance

There’s only so much we can do to eliminate risk, so it becomes more about risk tolerance, which is usually different for everyone.

All About Avionics

Todays homebuilt aircraft avionics packages often incorporate a number of boxes behind the panel, all requiring a particular type of wiring to go with them (not to mention all the other power draws such as lights, flap motors, etc.). Its advisable, then, to consider the length and nature of the wiring to be included in your project from the moment you start building. Avionics techno Stein Bruch explains the how and why of managing the wiring requirements for your aircraft.

To Launch a Light Sport

It’s amazing what a little light will reveal, in this case a planned hole for the wing that would have been dangerously close to the wingspar. No worries. The problem was remedied, and it was on to fixing flaws in the wing’s surface and working on the nosewheel and front suspension; by Bob Fritz.


Need for SpeedNigel Speedy needs to be careful not to exceed 180 knots CAS....