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Stein Bruch

Stein Bruch
Minnesota-based Stein Bruch is in a unique position of running a successful avionics shop that caters to the Experimental crowd. As such, he's seen, installed, trouble-shot and fixed just about everything on the market. In other words, he knows what he's talking about.

All About Avionics

Panel Upgrades—Wiring your panel. By Stein Bruch.

All about Avionics

Panel Upgrades—making the cut. By Stein Bruch.

All About Avionics

Planning a major panel upgrade. By Stein Bruch.

All About Avionics

Panel upgrades—planning the project. By Stein Bruch.

All About Avionics

With all of the ways to get GPS information into the cockpit, a handheld unit remains a viable option. By Stein Bruch.

All About Avionics

Building your own panel need not be daunting. Stein Bruch offers some wisdom about how to keep the project on task and avoid the mistakes others have made.

All About Avionics

Stein Bruch explains how bringing smart phones and tablets, with a bevy of aviation apps, into the cockpit have helped him become a better—and safer—pilot.

All About Avionics

Electrical components ahead of the firewall are crucial to the operation of the engine and aircraft systems. Stein Bruch presents a primer on wiring these vital elements of your electrical system.

All About Avionics: Wire Stripping and Crimping

Wire stripping and crimping might seem like a basic skills, but when done improperly can have nasty consequences. Stein Bruch gives an overview of the proper tools and methods you'll need to keep your avionics humming.

All About Avionics

As autopilots become more and more commonplace, their utility only gets better. Stein Bruch offers an overview of the latest trends.

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Aerospace Center for Excellence

A hub for aviation education and inspiration.

The Unintimidated Builder

Builder Walter Treadwell has taken on projects that many of us would find daunting, and he keeps upping the ante. First came a Lancair 235, then a plansbuilt Jenny JN-4, followed by a P-38 and then his current project, a resized Sikorsky S-38. Some 4000 hours into the new project, Treadwell has a ways to go, but fortunately he has a mini AgCat to fly in the meantime; by Bob Fritz.

All About Avionics: EFIS Dreams

Much has changed since our last review of Experimental EFISes more than a year ago. It’s getting harder to differentiate among companies and their products as these systems mature and functionality becomes more similar. By Stein Bruch.


 Paid InstructionI enjoyed Dave Martin's "Understanding Experimental Light Sport Aircraft" article , but I...