We noticed an unpainted RV-10 taxiing into the special display area near the Homebuilder’s Hangar and wondered, what is so special about an RV-10? Occupants Scott and Tracey Flandermeyer explained that it is the only turbo-diesel powered RV-10 in the world. Weather challenges made the flight less than ideal for recording performance data, but the Continental CD-230 diesel engine (producing 230 HP) reportedly cruised at about 157 kt TAS and burned an average of about 8 gallons of Jet A per hour.
Scott reports that the center of gravity of the plane is nearly identical to RV-10s with the standard Lycoming IO-540 but the diesel engine is about 17 pounds heavier. Following the flight from DeKalb-Peachtree Airport in Atlanta, the plane now has 47.5 hours on it.

Hi, I live in Poland, where Avgas is $8-10/gal and Diesel is $3-5. I am seriously considering CD-265 for my RV-10 and would appreciate any help or tips from Mr Flandermeyer. Is there any way we could get in touch?
Jedrzej, I am in Australia and would also love to use the CD265 rather than IO540. Did you get any response?