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Diesel 2.0?


In Case You Missed It

Unairworthy: Loose Tail Attach Bolt

This is a very critical bolt that attaches the horizontal stabilizer to the fuselage...

A Tale of Two Antennas

With the recent rush to ADS-B, there has been a significant interest in GPS...

Editor’s Log

As Editor-in-Chief Mary Bernard steps down from her post at KITPLANES, she thanks the team that helps create the magazine each month and welcomes her successor, Paul Dye.

Kitfox Super Sport

With 4000 kits sold, a million hours flown and a loyal customer base, you just knew that the Kitfox would somehow find itself back in production. It's been out after the previous company, SkyStar Aircraft, went bankrupt in 2005, leaving builders in the lurch.