Belite Aircraft was named the 2010 Grand Champion Ultralight at this year’s Sun and Fun Expo in Lakeland, Florida. The award is based on innovation, appeal, ease of build and presentation. James Wiebe, CEO of Belite Aircraft, accepted the award from SnF official Leonard Kress.
This was the first appearance of Belite Aircraft at the show, with the company presenting both the Superlite and Trike versions of its FAA Part 103 aircraft. The Trike, Superlite and standard Belite 254 models are all designed to provide recreational fliers with aircraft that are easy to build and operate and that make flying affordable and accessible, even to pilots without any medical or conventional pilot’s license. All are available fully assembled or buildable from a kit from the Wichita, Kansas, manufacturer. Belite ready-to-fly factory pricing starts at $25,000. Kit prices start at less than $10,000.
For more information, call 316/253-6746 or visit the Belite web site.