Garmin recently announced its new VHF navcomm radios that nicely complement its line of compact touchscreen GPS navigators. Sporting a crisp, high-resolution display, they are nicely equipped with a variety of handy features and a smart feature set. It was showing the radio off at Sun ‘n Fun 2024 in Florida and Kitplanes contributor Larry Anglisano got a product tour from Garmin’s Jim Alpiser.
In Case You Missed It
A Grid-Free Hangar
This may well be the most ambitious project I’ve tackled in the last 35...
To Launch a Light Sport
Once he decided on a kit, builder Bob Fritz went full-speed ahead on the project and has made remarkable progress in a short time. He’s nearly ready to start making airplane noises.
Aero ‘lectrics
This month, Jim Weir describes how to create an LED strip with any three colors and offers a brief lesson on human optics too.
Engine Inspection and Repair After a Prop Strike
Dave Prizio - 2
Engine inspection and repair after a prop strike.
The old SL-30 had a wonderful NAV radio monitor function that would display radial from the standby NAV frequency while the primary frequency would do ILS or VOR. Very handy back when crossing radials were commonly used.