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In Case You Missed It

The Real McKee

In the ultimate FUUN exercise, Andy McKee flies the Atlantic in search of AirVenture and friendly colonials.

Maintenance Matters

In Part 2 of his discussion, Steve Ells delves into more detail about patching, repairing or replacing aircraft aluminum.

Around the Patch

Have you checked your fuel system for leaks lately? Turns out there's a good reason to periodically conduct a thorough investigation. Incipient leaks may go undetected. Worse, when the O-ring on the fuel-selector valve goes bad, it could allow air into the system, which means your engine could misbehave at a most inconvenient time. Often, this malady is difficult to diagnose and the assumption is that the fuel selector is OK when it is not.

Becoming a DAR

A designee is a private individual with the experience and skills necessary to do the work mandated for the FAA.