Scheme Designers

Since 1997, Scheme Designers has pioneered custom aircraft paint schemes. Around the globe, there are over 14,000 unique aircraft wearing a Scheme Designers paint...

In Case You Missed it

The Ultimate Upgrade

Martha and Wendell Solesbee begin the painstaking process of installing systems on their Lancair Evo kit-from engine and fuel, to electrical and landing gear.

Little Buddy, You Can Fly

As a design matures, more and more “upgrades” and “improvements” are thrust upon successive builders by those who have gone before. What they are thrusting, really, are opinions.

Commentary: An RV Owner’s Reaction to Van’s Bankruptcy Filing

It’s worth remembering that it’s not just Van’s we’re talking about, but a whole constellation of supporting companies that make good money from RV builders.

Carburetor Maintenance

Neglect is the biggest enemy of your carburetor. Take care of it and it will take care of you.