There are many sights and sounds at a fly-in, but yesterday, while in my tent, I realized there was a background music I’ve never before noticed. It was the metallic “tink, tink, tink” of many hammers driving tiedown stakes. In Homebuilt Camping at Oshkosh, it can grow to the level of cicadas on a summer evening, as entire freshly-parked rows of beautiful birds are simultaneously staked to earth, captured against wind and storm, there to be admired until again released to fly.
In Case You Missed It
The Home Machinist
Taking that first cut into the sheet metal of an aircraft panel can be daunting, and being as precise as youd like is even more so. Author Bob Fritz eases your anxiety about the process with some tips about how to use the right tool for the right job, so that the hole you get is the one you wanted.
Second Chance Six
Tenley Ong - 0
Part 11: Starting to wire my Advanced Flight Systems panel, installing a new fuel selector and more!