Now that Avidyne’s IFD440 hybrid touch GPS navigator is certified and shipping, the company is putting a sharp focus on the experimental and kit aircraft market. This includes builders with existing Garmin GNS navigators. In this video, Kitplanes magazine contributing editor Larry Anglisano along with Avidyne’s Tom Harper show how to transition from an existing GNS430W to a slide-in IFD440, including configuration and setup of the new Bluetooth keyboard.
In Case You Missed It
Design Process: Roll Control
The primary function of the wing is to generate lift, but it must also incorporate control surfaces to control the airplane in roll.
Light Stuff
Dave Martin - 0
Columnist Dave Martin flies one of the best-selling Special Light Sport Aircraft (factory-built), the Flight Design CTSW. Although he encounters a few surprises, transition training for pilots new to the design would likely alleviate such things.