Paisely on Grounds
After a 30-year career encompassing motorcycles, oilfield perforating trucks, and now oilfield perforating guns, I wholeheartedly back up Robert Paisley’s emphasis on the ground portion of a DC electrical circuit [“Positively Negative,” July 2014]. When presented with any problematic electrical circuit, I have learned to put grounds on it until it works! Very good job and great info that will prevent many headaches.
–Joel Sansing
Very good and helpful article on grounding, but on grounding the engine, it states to use two separate 4-gauge ground wires to the firewall pass-through bolt. Why two ground wires on the engine instead of one?
–Tom Steinbrenner
While not answering for Mr. Paisely, our own opinion is that with an electrically dependent engine, two grounds are always better than one to assure that if one breaks, the engine will continue to keep running happily.—Ed.
Courtesy Lights
In reading Jim Weir’s Aero ‘lectrics column [Common courtesy, July 2014], I’m surprised the 555 timer chip is still around. I used to use them for everything back when dirt was new, wooden ships and iron men, etc. Thanks for the circuit. Think I’ll build one for my RV-7A.
–Bob Pittelkow
We forwarded your note to Jim Weir, but he is apparently on a wooden ship somewhere. When he docks, we’ll let him know that there are still people building his circuits and enjoying his column.—Ed.
It’s a Snap (on)!
Paul Dye wrote an article in the August 2013 issue regarding replacing Slick mags with P-MAGs [“Out with the Old, In with the New”]. Could you tell me the model number of the Snap-on stud puller he used since there are several produced.
–Tom Donnelly
The specific tool was borrowed, but looking at the Snap-on catalog, it appears to be the CG500.—Ed.
Stuff Happens
I guess it’s an appropriate tribute to Van’s aerobatic RV-4 on the front cover. I opened the August issue and found the entire contents all upside down. Boy, am I going to get some strange looks from the family as I read this issue and all they can see is the cover and back page—upside down!
–Noel Fallwell
I would like to thank the staff at KITPLANES® for the tribute to canard aircraft. By assembling the August issue with the cover on backwards, you cleverly communicated to all of us your appreciation of the significance of canard aircraft in our homebuilt community.
–Leo Dringoli
We are happy to salute our canard friends—and will pass on your thanks to the robots in our printing facility that appear to have facilitated the tribute. For those who prefer standard configurations of both airplanes and magazines, we apologize for the inconvenience.—Ed.
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