Limited Time Offer on TWTT Glasair Sportsman


Glasair Aviation is offering a special deal in June for its Two Weeks to Taxi Sportsman airplane. Each Sportsman is specially equipped with:

Lycoming high-performance 180-horsepower IO-360 engine, Hartzell advanced 74-inch, two-blade, blended airfoil constant-speed prop, state-of-the-art VFR glass panel cockpit, quality white paint and stripes, and deluxe faux leather interior.

Standard pricing for the Sportsman with these features and equipment would total over $180,000, Glasair says; however, the company is offering four of these specially packaged aircraft at $149,999, a savings of over $30,000. Note: Orders must be placed by June 30, and the aircraft must be completed in the Two Weeks to Taxi program between August and October of 2011. Other restrictions apply.

Those who order by June 15 can upgrade to a carbon-fiber Sportsman for an additional $9999. This is an extra $5000 discount off current pricing. The “Carbon” Sportsman offers 150 pounds more of useful load, which increases typical useful load to 1150 pounds. And the Sportsman is convertible among tricycle, taildragger, float and ski configurations

For more information, contact Harry Delong at 360/435-8533, x232, or email [email protected], or visit



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