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In Case You Missed It

Build Your Skills: Composites (Part 8)

Last months installment in the Composites series detailed how to do vacuum-bagging of parts at home. This month author Bob Fritz discusses how to inexpensively build one critical component in that process: the vacuum pump.

The $30,000 RV-9A

Two builders helped each other build RV-9As, each employing significantly different outlays of cash. The results are impressive in both cases, but for different reasons. They help us ponder the question as we build: “What is something worth?” By Marc Cook.

Design Process: Wingtips

In our study of wing design, we have progressed from the inner portion and...

Repairman Certificate, Aerobatics, LSA Rules

Question: I have a question about the repairman certificate. Let’s say the FAA issues...