All lights and controls in the cockpit are required to be labeled. Imagine a pilot’s surprise when either the red light or white light on this panel illuminates in flight! Is it time to switch tanks, or did the oil pressure just go out of limits? Is a door open, or is the alternator dead? Without knowing the answer, the potential situation could pose a serious problem.
In Case You Missed It
The Price of Power
More power! Bob Fritz takes a close look at what makes batteries go, what kind is best for your plane, and how to get the most out of your battery.
25th Anniversary: Change Is Good
Amy Laboda - 0
At AirVenture 2009, Amy Laboda took the opportunity to talk with 12 key innovators in the world of Experimental aviation, with one question in mind: What do you think has been the most significant change in homebuilding aircraft in the past 25 years?