I always wanted something to do in retirement that that would be both challenging and fun. I couldn’t envision myself playing golf only during the summer months so I decided to build and fly my own airplane. Looked around at all of the offerings from the kit manufacturers and finally decided on a Zenith CH 750 STOL aircraft.
With the help of my hangar partner who was building a Zenith 650 the journey began. We traveled to the factory in Mexico, Missouri, rented a truck one way and brought both kits back with us. It was seven years in the making but I finally got my airworthiness certificate in November 2018 and completed my first flight in January 2019.

I painted the airplane by rolling it on with marine polyurethane paint. Found the vinyl graphics on the internet and applied them myself. Decided upon a Viking 110 to power the aircraft and am very pleased with the final product.
I retired in December and now looking forward to discovering all the small airfields in Michigan with my wife who has been very supportive throughout the whole process.
–Stephen Aupperle, Howell, Michigan