Home Authors Posts by Barnaby Wainfan

Barnaby Wainfan

Barnaby Wainfan
Barnaby is a Technical Fellow for Northrop Grumman’s Advanced Design organization. A private pilot with single-engine and glider ratings, Barnaby has been involved in the design of unconventional airplanes including canards, joined wings, flying wings and some too strange to fall into any known category.

Wind Tunnel

Yaw rarely occurs without rolling, and roll rarely occurs without yawing. This month Barnaby Wainfan discusses coupled motion, including adverse yaw, the spiral mode and Dutch roll.

Wind Tunnel

This month columnist Barnaby Wainfan takes a look at how the airplane responds in roll when the pilot is maneuvering. Two key factors are roll acceleration and the steady-state roll rate.

Wind Tunnel

The discussion of lateral/directional stability continues with an examination of dihedral effect and the effect of roll;

Wind Tunnel

Pitch is not the only axis involved in making an airplane fly well. Yaw and roll are also important, and this month Barnaby Wainfan turns his attention to lateral/directional stability and its effect on flying qualities.

Wind Tunnel

When is an airplane in trim? At least to the pilot, the airplane is trimmed when no stick force is required to maintain equilibrium. So how do we achieve this? Barnaby Wainfan explains any number of ways to go about it, including the use of trimtabs, spring systems, sparrow strainers and variable incidence tails.

Wind Tunnel

This month Barnaby Wainfan turns his attention to the control system and how various aspects such as linkages, the elevator planform and tail aspect ratio, and trailing-edge treatments affect pitch control.

Wind Tunnel

The diagnosis of pitch sensitivity problems boils down to one of two things: too little static margin or control system problems. This month we discuss how to modify the airplane to fix them;

Wind Tunnel

This month we use the accumulated flight-test data to determine what exactly is causing the unacceptable flying qualities of the airplane so that the best way to fix the problem can be identified;

Wind Tunnel

The perils of PIO;

Wind Tunnel

Its an age-old duality: stability versus maneuverability. Many factors go into developing and building any aircraft, and the designers choices will affect a pilots workload, for good or ill. Among the topics discussed are trim, pitch stability and yaw stability;

In Case You Missed It

2012 Engine Buyer’s Guide

In Part 1 of our 2012 Engine Buyer’s Guide, Marc Cook explores what’s currently available in traditional powerplants, and why such engines might be the best choice for your homebuilt aircraft needs.

Build It Better: Hope Is Not a Plan

There are always unknowns in any human endeavor, but in aviation, we must think about the ways we can minimize them.

Free Flight

Sometimes those little modifications can add up to big consequences.

Meet the Grizzly

AeroTek Aviations Beaver-size amphibious kit airplane, the Grizzly, showcases the company's 550-shaft-horsepower Pratt & Whitney PT6A engine conversion, which has also flown in the Murphy Moose. By Ed Wischmeyer.