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Marc Cook

Marc Cook
Marc Cook is a veteran special-interest journalist who started as a staffer at AOPA Pilot in the late 1980s. Marc has built two airplanes, an Aero Designs Pulsar XP and a Glasair Aviation Sportsman, and now owns a 180-hp, steam-gauge-adjacent GlaStar based in western Oregon. Marc has 5000 hours spread over 200-plus types and four decades of flying.

Lycoming Introduces New Engine Models, Electronic Engine Controls

Lycoming's 10 a.m. press conference today centered on several new projects for the manufacturer. Of note for Experimental fans are two things: Fully electronic...

Products: Bendix/King Introduces New Handhelds

In a strong suggestion that Honeywell is serious about Bendix/King's return to form in general aviation, the company introduced three new handhelds at a...

Products: PS Engineering Introduces New PMA8000B-MP3

The internal MP3 player functions of the Experimental-aircraft-only PMA9000EX have been so popular that PS Engineering has embedded the same technology into the TSO'd...

Oshkosh Set Up Day

Wonderful, not-too-humid weather greeted AirVenture participants today, with many of the previously flooded/swamped parking spaces (aircraft and cars) drying into usefulness. The overall mood...

Oshkosh Set Up Day

Wonderful, not-too-humid weather greeted AirVenture participants today, with many of the previously flooded/swamped parking spaces (aircraft and cars) drying into usefulness. The overall mood of the exhibitors was surprisingly upbeat considering the economy in general and the cst of fuel (a bit issue for pilots) specifically.Over the years, as AirVenture turns more corporate and big-iron, the press conferences move further up the week, until Monday is totally full, top to bottom. Tomorrow (Monday), some of…

Products: PS Engineering Expands Capabilities, Reduces Price on PMA9000EX

PS Engineering's Experimental-aircraft-only audio panel/intercom introduced last year, the PMA9000EX, has gained new capabilities combined with a reduced price—how often does that happen?First the...

Commentary: New Kitbuilt Rules—Punish Everyone for a Few Scofflaws

The FAA, in its revised Advisory Circulars that govern the licensing of Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft, has taken an aggressive, broad-brush approach to stopping “excessive commercial...

Around the Patch

Homebuilt aircraft manufacturers are sometimes reluctant to admit that they have created a less than perfect design, let alone offer a fix. Arion Aircrafts Nick Otterback is bucking that tide; by Marc Cook.

Three Bearhawks Make Maiden Flights on the Same Day

We're not sure what it is about Bearhawks, but they seem to arrive in clumps. Back in 2007, five new Bearhawks flew in a...

Take Aviation Consumer’s Headset Survey, Win Valuable Prizes

Do you like the headset you own? KITPLANES sister publication, Aviation Consumer, would like to know. It is conducting an extensive customer survey on headset quality, performance and comfort. They would love to hear from readers everywhere about their headset experiences. The survey takes just a few minutes. Click here to take part.…

In Case You Missed it


The Big Scare

You look down at the instruments, and instantly energy drains down your body as if bomb bay doors on the soles of your feet had opened and the concrete floor were a sponge.

Metal Magic: Learning To Love the Step Drill

KITPLANES editor at large Paul Dye explains the best times to use the so-called...

Old, New & Old Again!

We are seeing more talk of people rebuilding cores found in barns or the back of hangars.

Twilight of a God

What a 550-mph experimental looks like.