After 30 years in business, Bob & Judy Avery are retiring on December 15, 2015 to travel more and pursue other interests. The couple have set a high standard in customer service and built the Avery Tools company into a go-to supplier of tools for many homebuilders. The online retail web store will close on Wednesday December 15, and the toll free phone number will be shut down.
After this date, Bob Avery will be available part-time by phone or e-mail to cover any warranty issues, answer tool questions, and help customers with the transition to other tool suppliers. The aircraft tools that Avery Tools manufactures and the products they provide are available from many other aviation tool and product suppliers.
These suppliers (in alphabetical order) are listed below:
- Aircraft Spruce & Specialty
- Aircraft Tool Supply
- Airparts Inc.
- Brown Aviation Tool Company
- Cleaveland Aircraft Tool Company
- Klassic Tool Crib
- Pan American Tool Corporation
- Wicks Aircraft Supply
- The Yard Store

Avery Tools will continue to manufacture many of the specialty aviation tools and products and supply these items wholesale to the retail suppliers listed above (most of these suppliers have been selling Avery tools and products for years).
Bob Avery has been a fixture in the homebuilding community, and his tools can be found countless homebuilders’ shops around the world. He’s well known for providing support above and beyond what was called for, and to chase any problems down until the customer was satisfied. Bob is a master at repairing pneumatic tools, even when they weren’t purchased from him, and has often been known to do overhauls and “forget” to bill the customer for anything but shipping. We wish him all the best in retirement, and hope that he can now find time to finish that RV-4 he’s been building that got him in to the business years ago.
Bob and Judy offer their thanks to all loyal customers and aircraft builders for all the wonderful years of support and memories. “Keep building and flying!”