Dynon Avionics has announced prices for its new SkyView systems, with shipments scheduled to begin soon. The SkyView is a new generation glass panel, offering synthetic vision, fully redundant systems, bright screens, flexibility and the ability to upgrade in the future, the company says.A SkyView EFIS starts at as low as $3900 for a 7-inch display plus an ADAHRS module. Adding an Engine System module adds $600 for a total of $4500. Adding a second redundant ADAHRS module is $800. An Ultimate System, with dual 10-inch displays, redundant ADAHRS, engine monitor and backup battery is $9980. The SV-D700 (7-inch) display by itself is $2700; the SV-D1000 (10-inch) display alone is $3600. SkyView network cables, in lengths from 3 to 20 feet, are also available to facilitate wiring of the system.Our first EFIS products were based on the premise that we could make high-quality avionics available at prices all pilots could afford, said Dynon President John Torode. I am pleased that our team of engineers and developers can continue this tradition with a technologically advanced system that pilots will love to fly behind.For more information, visit the company’s web site.
In Case You Missed It
25th Anniversary: Loran and GPS take over
Todays GPS technology has largely supplanted loran as a navigational aid in Experimental aircraft, and thats not a bad thing. By Marc Cook.
Around the Patch
Have you checked your fuel system for leaks lately? Turns out there's a good reason to periodically conduct a thorough investigation. Incipient leaks may go undetected. Worse, when the O-ring on the fuel-selector valve goes bad, it could allow air into the system, which means your engine could misbehave at a most inconvenient time. Often, this malady is difficult to diagnose and the assumption is that the fuel selector is OK when it is not.
Rotax Factory Tour
Paul Bertorelli takes a tour of the Rotax factory in Austria and discusses the company’s new 912 iS engine and what it has to offer to homebuilders.