Garmin Expands Pilot My-Cast Features


Garmin’s subsidiary Digital Cyclone has upgraded its cellphone-based weather delivery system, Pilot My-Cast, expanding both the types of cellphones supported, and the weather products it delivers.

Pilot My-Cast allows you to access a complete weather-briefing product, including Nexrad radar, satellite loops, Metars, TAFs, SIGMETS, AIRMETS and PIREPS via a cellphone with a web browser, and this now includes both RIM Blackberry and Windows Mobile devices. There is also a beta-release of software for the iPhone.

The system has also added the ability to access NOTAMs (Notices to Airmen), which complete any pilot’s briefing. Now when you file a flight plan via Pilot My-Cast you have accessed every weather and safety-of-flight product available.

Pilot My-Cast is a subscription-based service that costs $9.95 per month.


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